Long Term Development Statement (LTDS) Guidance update - Informal consultation

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Industry sector
Distribution Network

The publication of Long Term Development Statements (LTDS), describing the characteristics and development of GB electricity distribution networks, is a long standing obligation on distribution network operators (DNOs), mandated through a direction, pursuant to paragraph 25.2 of the standard conditions of the Electricity Distribution Licence and described in detail in the Form of Long Term Development Statement (FoS).

The purpose of the LTDS is to provide those wishing to connect to or use the distribution network, with the detailed network information that they need to make informed decisions.

We are informally consulting on a new Form of Long Term Development Statement (FoS), which introduces important new requirements for grid model data to be provided using the Common Information Model (CIM) and for the publication of Capacity Heatmap data. These changes build upon the work undertaken by the LTDS Reforms Working Group, including the development of grid modelling guidelines and data exchange specifications.

We would like to hear stakeholder views on the revised FoS, particularly from those people and organisations with an interest in connecting to and using the electricity distribution network in the future and developers of products and services that require network data. There will be an opportunity to participate in a stakeholder workshop during this informal consultation period and stakeholder responses will be taken into consideration prior to a formal consultation process in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 25.6 of the standard conditions of the Electricity Distribution Licence, later in the year.

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Ben Watts

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