ECO2 consultation on deemed scores

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  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
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Scheme name

This consultation sets out our proposed approach to implementing a system of deemed scores for use in the ECO scheme from 1 April 2017, if introduced in legislation.

We understand that Government intends to consult on proposals for the successor to ECO2 and that this will include a proposal to move from the current scoring approach to deemed scores. The change to deemed scores would entail the use of a finite set of scores that reflect the savings expected from different measures in different properties, based on a limited number of simple inputs.

We have developed the proposal for deemed scores on this basis and this consultation provides an opportunity for us to obtain the views of stakeholders with sufficient time for implementation should they be introduced from April 2017.

The documents which make up this consultation explain the method and assumptions used in developing the proposed set of deemed scores, how the deemed scores could be used in practice (including the impact of the changes on score monitoring and notification), and our proposed approach for producing new scores. 

Next steps

The consultation will be open from 27 May 2016 to close of play on 8 July 2016. We have provided a template to help us collate responses. Responses and queries should be directed to Alternatively, please provide written responses to:

ECO deemed scores consultation Energy Efficiency and Social Programmes

Ofgem, 9 Millbank, London, SW1P 3GE