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Industry licensing

Industry licensing

We regulate the GB energy industry primarily by granting licences to companies and ensuring that those companies comply with the requirements and conditions of their licence.

There is a set of standard licence conditions for each licensable activity. Licensees are obliged to comply with the licence conditions for their type of licence from the day the licence is granted.

The licences and licence conditions section explains each of the 11 types of licence we administer and provides links to their respective licence conditions documents.

If you are interested in applying for a gas or electricity licence then please read our guide on how to become a licensed gas or electricity company.

As a licensed company, you are obliged to work with us in managing your licence, so you will need to understand licence modifications, derogations, revocations and transfers.

For the purpose of transparency, we also publish lists of all currently licensed gas and electricity companies.

Industry Codes and Licensing Team

For queries and requests for further information, please contact our Industry Codes and Licensing Team at

If a licensee would like to update contact details, please contact and if it is a supply licence also cc and your account manager (if you have one). 


Industry licensing publications

We publish all company licences and notices, and consolidated versions of our licence conditions, on our Electronic Public Register (ePR) website.

Go to the Electronic Public Register (ePR)

We are currently working on beta services to provide new lists of licence-related publications on this website. They comprise: