Consultation on modification to the Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA) Governance Document

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Industry sector
Distribution Network
Licence type
Gas Transporter Licence

A decision for this consultation was published on Tuesday 31 October 2023.

We are consulting on a proposal to modify the Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA) Governance Document. The VCMA Governance Document is issued and amended as per Special Condition 5.4 of the Gas Transporter Licence. It covers the regulation, administration, and governance of the VCMA.

The VCMA is funding that is available to Gas Distribution network companies for supporting vulnerable consumers to stay safe and warm by providing advice on energy, referrals to or direct access to energy safeguarding measures as well as raising life-saving awareness around carbon monoxide safety.

We would like your views on our proposed changes to the VCMA Governance Document. The proposed changes follow our decision to re-purpose unspent Fuel Poor Network Extension Scheme (FPNES) allowances to the VCMA.

We welcome responses on any aspect of our proposed changes to the VCMA Governance Document.

Respond name

Alice Siri

Respond email