Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Annual Report 2022-23

Reports, plans and updates

Publication date

Scheme name


Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is a government-backed initiative that enables small-scale low-carbon electricity generators in Great Britain (known as SEG generators) to receive payments from electricity suppliers (known as SEG licensees) for the electricity they export to the National Grid. This helps to support the deployment of low-carbon electricity generation and the transition to net zero.

This is the third SEG annual report. As part of our statutory responsibilities administering the SEG we have produced the report at the bottom of this page to provide an update on activity between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023 (SEG Year 3).

  • SEG Tariffs: SEG licensees must offer at least one SEG tariff to any generator with a SEG-eligible installation. They can also offer SEG tariffs that are only available if additional conditions are met, for example, the purchase of import electricity. We refer to these as bundled tariffs. There were a total of 39 tariffs from 14 SEG licensees providing or offering support to SEG generators during SEG Year 3. This is up from the 35 tariffs available or in use during SEG Year 2. Twenty-four of the Year 3 tariffs were unbundled and 15 were bundled.
  • Registered Installations: The third year of the SEG saw a total of 92,946 installations with a combined capacity of 495,981 kW registered to one of the available tariffs. This is a significant increase from the 34,020 installations with a combined capacity of 155,755 kW registered during Year 2.
  • Technology Types: Solar PV made up more than 99.9% of installations registered (92,916) and installed capacity (495,832 kW) on the SEG in Year 3. There were 30 installations for other technology types, 23 micro-combined heat and power (micro-CHP) and seven wind.
  • Payments: In SEG Year 3, payments to registered installations totalled £7,193,527, and 77.3 GWh of low-carbon electricity export was recorded. This is enough to make approximately 1.85 billion cups of tea and is a significant increase on the £1,664,969 in payments made and 24.4 GWh exported in SEG Year 2.

Please note: For those wishing to look at the data used in the report in more detail, a spreadsheet with this information is published below.