This document sets out the regulation, governance and administration of the RIIO-2 Network Innovation Allowance and will take effect from 1 April 2021.
We have consulted on the draft of the RIIO-2 NIA Governance Document ahead of the start of RIIO-2. We received views on our draft and have taken into consideration those comments within the final publication.
This document and its content is in line with our Final Determinations.
This should be read in conjunction with:
- Special Condition 5.2 (The RIIO-2 network innovation allowance) of the Gas Transporter Licence held by National Grid Gas plc.
- Special Condition 5.2 (The RIIO-2 network innovation allowance) of the Gas Transporter Licence held by Cadent Gas Limited, Northern Gas Networks Limited, Scotland Gas Networks plc, Southern Gas Networks plc, and Wales and West Utilities Limited.
- Special Condition 5.2 (The RIIO-2 network innovation allowance) of the Electricity Transmission Licence held by National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc, SP Transmission Ltd and Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc.
- Special Condition 4.6 (The RIIO-2 network innovation allowance) of the Electricity Transmission Licence held by National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited.