On 1 March 2017, we published our minded to decision and draft Impact Assessment (IA) on the industry proposals CMP264 and CMP265, which was to direct that WACM4 be adopted. Modifications CMP264 and CMP265 propose to change the current electricity transmission charging arrangements for sub-100MW generators connected to the distribution networks (‘smaller EG’).
As part of the process in reaching this minded to decision and assessing the likely impacts, we have undertaken both a qualitative and quantitative assessment of each of the options available to us. The quantitative assessment takes into consideration modelling and consultancy support that we commissioned for this purpose from Frontier Economics and Lane Clark and Peacock LLP (Frontier / LCP).
We have received requests from a small number of stakeholders that we publish further information about the modelling undertaken to inform our proposed decision. We consider the minded to decision and draft IA that we have published to clearly set out the information needed to understand our proposed decision and to make meaningful representations on that proposal.
Our proposed decision is based on a principled assessment of the Modification Proposals and WACMs against the CUSC objectives and our statutory duties and takes into account both quantitative and quantitative factors; the modelling forms only part of this assessment. However, in response to the aforementioned requests for further information, we are today publishing the Frontier / LCP report and offering a workshop to explain this information further to interested stakeholders.
Please see the minded to decision and draft Impact Assessment consultation for the supplementary documents.
To further assist those respondents who would like to better understand the modelling, we have arranged an optional workshop in London on Tuesday 21 March from 9:30 – 12:00 pm. Please contact Yolanda Jani, Yolanda.Jani@ofgem.gov.uk, if you would like to attend this event.
We have also received a small number of requests for an extension of the date requested for responses to the consultation on this minded to decision and draft IA.
We recognise that this is a significant decision, and we have decided to extend the date for responses to 9am on 18 April 2017.