Open letter: Consultation on proposed changes to the SOR requirements for smart prepayment

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Smart prepayment proposals

We are consulting on changes to the Social Obligation Reporting (SOR) for supplier performance. The data items we are consulting on relate to our future monitoring of the smart prepayment market as indicated in our smart prepayment consultation and decision documents. 

We are consulting on two changes to our original package of new monitoring points that were included in our smart prepayment consultation published on 23 September 2015. 

The proposed changes:

  • Introduce a new data point in the SOR to collect the number of times a supplier’s customer base tops up per top-up channel
  • Amend the start reporting date for the proposed data point to collect at both quarterly and annual frequency, the number of smart meter customers using prepayment and credit modes.

We are consulting on the proposed data items for four weeks. We welcome your views on our proposals. Please send your responses to the consultation questions by 5pm on 6th June 2016.

Once we have considered responses to the consultation questions we will issue new guidance for the SOR requirements.

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