Smart prepayment for a smarter market: our decisions

Decision Consultation
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

Smart prepayment is a key focus area for our Consumer Empowerment and Protection programme. In 2015, we consulted on a number of proposals to help achieve the right consumer outcomes for smart prepayment.

This document presents our decisions for our smart prepayment consumer protections. With the exception of one data item (changes to which we will consult on separately), we are confirming our proposals for changes to the Social Obligations Reporting. We consider that all these new data items will give us insight into the prepayment market and ensure our objectives for smart prepayment are met.  

We are modifying the Safe and Reasonably Practicable Guidance, to keep pace with technological developments while ensuring that consumers who still need to top-up by cash can do so. 

We are also supporting the change of supplier process through code modifications, put forward by industry, for smart prepayment consumers.

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