In Spring 2016, Ofgem launched the Insights for Future Regulation (IFR) project to help us determine how, in the face of significant uncertainty, we can best perform our primary duty to protect the interests of current and future consumers.
This paper is the fifth in our series of 'Future Insights' publications and outlines some of the key challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to electric vehicles (EV) over the coming years and decades.
We outline the important role EVs can play in delivering a smart and flexible energy system. We also highlight the uncertainty around the pace of EV uptake, and explore how regulation can ensure the transition is managed efficiently at the lowest cost to consumers, whilst taking into account the broader societal trends influencing transport.
The views expressed in this paper do not represent established Ofgem or Gas and Electricity Market Authority positions.
If you would like to engage with us on this report, please get in touch by emailing