Modernising Energy Data - Digitalisation Strategy

Correspondence and other
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Distribution Network
Offshore Transmission Network
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Scheme name
Domestic RHI
Non-Domestic RHI

Data digitalisation creates value, opportunity and resilience. It enables innovation, decarbonisation and decentralised energy solutions to be delivered at optimal cost for the benefit of consumers. We are asking network companies to include their Digitalisation Strategy as part of their business plan submission for the next network price control period (RIIO 2) due 09 December 2019. Network companies will make their strategy publically available including on their website, and we encourage them to treat the publication of their strategy as an opportunity to showcase to energy consumers, the wider economy and international counterparts how they are leading change and delivering a progressive modernisation of Britain’s national infrastructure. To facilitate accessibility, Ofgem will collate hyperlinks to Network companies’ homepages where the published strategy is hosted. 


For this first iteration, we invite companies to take their own view on what content will best meet the needs of their current and future data users, and the RIIO-2 Business Plans Guidance document lists themes that Ofgem considers to be valuable content for network companies to include in their digitalisation strategies. 

Continuous Improvement and Collegiate Challenge

We see merit in network companies hosting a collaborative, inclusive event for energy system digital and data user engagement to take place in early 2020. We envisage this to be a forum for stakeholders to engage with each Digitalisation Strategy and encourage network companies to showcase 

  • key steps and projects they have already taken on data and digitalisation.
  • the latest iteration of their Digitalisation Strategies and utilise the space to collect opinions and feedback to improve both the content of their strategy and their approach to iterating the strategy. 

We recognise that DNOs and ESO are keen to progress data and digitalisation and we encourage their equal participation including making their Digitalisation Strategy publically available and engaging at the network company event. Ofgem will host hyperlinks to DNOs’ and ESO’s Digitalisation Strategy along with all other network companies’ Digitalisation Strategy.  

Get in touch - we want your feedback

We are keen to understand your perspective, your needs and your ideas. If you have views on the above that you would like to share, please do contact us at