Levelling the cost of standing charges on prepayment meters

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Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

In April 2023, we published a Call for Evidence, asking for views and evidence on the need for a process and supporting reconciliation mechanism to adjust the cost difference between energy bill payment methods.

This consultation sets out the case for levelling the cost of standing charges on Prepayment Meters (PPM) by socialising (or 'levelising') prices across payment types, to make them more equal or equitable (but less cost-reflective). We are also consulting on other payment method differentials, along with a supporting draft Impact Assessment and Levelisation Model.

We would welcome any responses to the consultation by 22 September 2023.

We will consider all responses and publish our final proposals and statutory consultation in Autumn 2023 followed by a decision early 2024.


Update 23/11/2023: We have now published responses to this consultation below.

Respond name

Sabreena Juneja