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Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 LA and Supplier Flex Forms and Subsidiary Documents

Forms, tables and lists
Publication date
Scheme name

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex are household referral mechanisms within the wider schemes, which enable Local Authorities (LAs) and Devolved Administrations (DAs) to widen the eligibility criteria. This allows participating LAs or DAs to refer households they consider to be living in fuel poverty or on a low income and vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home, but who may not qualify for the schemes via the standard eligibility criteria.

The Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 LA Flex forms and subsidiary documents are used for local authorities’ administration of the scheme, and for third party referrals.  

Use of these forms is compulsory from 1 September 2023. We encourage their use prior to this date where possible. In order for an LA / DA to participate in Great British Insulation Scheme Flex, they must first publish a Statement of Intent using the template below.  

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Statement of Intent Template

  • Participating LAs and DAs must publish a Statement of Intent on their website to outline their intention to participate in the schemes, and their commitment to following the scheme rules and eligibility routes.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex LA Declaration to Supplier

  • This document is used by LAs and DAs to notify installers and/or suppliers of all eligible households that they refer for the scheme.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Declaration Notification Template

  • This form is submitted to Ofgem by the LA / DA to notify us of all households that the LA / DA have issued a declaration (to the supplier/installer) for.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Data Dictionary

  • This document provides guidance to help LAs / DAs complete the csv Declaration Notification template.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Medical Referral Letter Template

  • This referral template can be used by healthcare professionals to refer eligible consumers to a Local Authority for Route 3 or Route 2, Proxy 3.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Citizens Advice Referral Letter Template

  • A referral template for Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland staff referring households to the Local Authority under Route 2, Proxy 6

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Fact Sheet for Third Parties

  • Information to help Citizens Advice, Citizens Advice Scotland, and NHS healthcare professionals, with understanding schemes and completing referrals.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Flex Householder Application Form

  • An application form template for households to apply to the LA / DA for the schemes. This can be uploaded to the LA’s / DA’s website or provided to households directly.

Great British Insulation Scheme and ECO4 Installer Verification Form

  • A template letter for installers and surveyors to provide to households. This can be used where a surveyor is collecting eligibility evidence, to give households some info on the schemes, and the contact details of the LA / DA the surveyor is working with.