Fuel Measurement and Sampling Questionnaire

Publication date
Scheme name
Non-Domestic RHI

Applicants who intend to ‘self-report’ as part of the new sustainability requirements should now complete the FMS Questionnaire as part of their RHI application. Please note this only applies to a small proportion of applicants and/or participants with biomass installations, and all participants with biogas installations plus biomethane producers. For further information refer to the Guidance Volumes 1 and 2 which are the main guidance for the Non-Domestic RHI. 

The latest version of the guidance also includes information on the sustainability requirements that came into force on 5 October 2015, affecting all biomass, biogas and biomethane participants. See Chaper 4 of the Guidance Volume 2 to understand whether you need to 'self-report' against the sustainability requirements.