ENA SCG Battery Storage Solutions - Ofgem letter of support

Correspondence and other
Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

Electricity storage is vital to the safety and security of a decarbonised electricity system dominated by weather dependent renewable generation. However, the challenges presented by unprecedented numbers of battery energy storage projects seeking connections to the distribution network are significant.

The Energy Networks Association (ENA)'s Strategic Connections Group (SCG) Battery Storage sub-group has developed a number of solutions on behalf of the distribution network operators (DNOs). These are intended to clarify certain areas of ambiguity in distribution codes and standards, that have resulted in different DNO interpretations and inconsistent outcomes. The ENA has asked Ofgem for its support in progressing with the implementation of these measures.

The letter we are publishing today confirms our support in a number of areas and provides clarity to networks on these points, ensuring the consistent treatment of storage across DNO regions, enabling storage to connect earlier on a non-firm basis and reducing the impact that storage has on others in the connection queue.