Decision to approve skeleton TOMs

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

Ofgem has made a decision to approve the skeleton Target Operating Model (TOM) options delivered by the ELEXON-led Design Working Group. The skeleton TOMs set out high level options for revised settlement arrangements to deliver market-wide half-hourly settlement. In coming to this decision, Ofgem received advice from the Ofgem-chaired Design Adivsory Board on the skeleton TOM options. 

ELEXON’s final report to Ofgem on the skeleton TOMs is available below. 

This concludes stage one of the TOM design work to develop a range of high level skeleton TOM options. ELEXON will now proceed to undertake a stakeholder consultation through the Balancing and Settlement Code website, commencing in late April, on the skeleton TOMs and the Design Working Group will proceed to stage 2 of the TOM design work. As part of this consultation, ELEXON are planning to hold a stakeholder event in May on the skeleton TOM options.

In stage 2 the skeleton TOMs will be developed in more detail with the objective of identifying a preferred final TOM with transitional arrangements in time to inform our decision on whether or not to proceed with market-wide half-hourly settlement in the second half of 2019. A revised forward work plan for stage 2 of the TOM design work is being developed by ELEXON and will be published once finalised.