OTEG- GB SQSS subgroup

Agendas, minutes and presentations
Publication date
Industry sector
Offshore Transmission Network
Transmission Network

At the initial meeting of OTEG on 4 May 2006 it was decided to establish the GB SQSS sub group to undertake review work to assist Ofgem/DTI decisions relating to offshore transmission system security requirements. The GB SQSS sub group reports to OTEG which provides a single point of contact to address any issues that arise from discussions.The GB SQSS sub group is an advisory body, not a decision making body. The purpose of the group is to assist OTEG by completing a review of the current GB SQSS and consequently considering:- whether it is appropriate to apply to the present onshore standard to offshore transmission networks if amendments are needed to extend the GB SQSS offshore; and the range of options that exist for alternative security standards for offshore transmission networks.