Industry codes and standards
About industry codes
Industry codes underpin the electricity and gas wholesale and retail markets. Licensees are required to maintain, become party to, or comply with the industry codes in accordance with the conditions of their licence.
Industry code modifications
All open modifications to the codes are listed in the Central Modifications Register. The code administrators update this register every month.
We publish our own industry code decisions and notices.
Expected decision dates
The expected decision date is the date we plan to publish our decision on a proposed code modification.
The expected decision date is an indicator only. These dates may change due to developments in a particular modification proposal or other changes in priorities.
These tables are updated every month to reflect any expected decision date changes.
Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)
Elexon is the code administrator for the Balancing and Settlement Code.
Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)
The National Energy System Operator (NESO) is responsible for the Connection and Use of System Code.
Distribution Code (DC)
The Energy Networks Association is responsible for the Distribution Code.
There are no modifications to the Distribution Code with us for decision this month.
Distribution Connection and Use of System Code (DCUSA)
Electralink is responsible for the Distribution and Use of System Agreement.
Grid Code (GC)
The National Energy System Operator (NESO) is responsible for the Grid Code.
Retail Energy Code (REC)
The Retail Energy Code Company limited is responsible for the Retail Energy Code.
Smart Energy Code (SEC)
The Smart Energy Code Company houses the Smart Energy Code administrator and secretariat. SECCo is responsible for the Smart Energy Code.
System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC)
The National Energy System Operator (NESO) is responsible for the System Operator Transmission Owner Code.
Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code (IGT UNC)
Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code (IGT UNC) is the code administrator for the Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code.
There are no modifications to the Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code with us for decision this month.
Uniform Network Code (UNC)
The Joint Office of Gas Transporters is responsible for the Uniform Network Code.