Response to statutory consultation on modifications to industry codes to implement the Independent System Operator and Planner (ISOP)


This publication sets out Ofgem’s and the Department’s responses to the statutory consultation on modifications to industry codes to implement the Independent System Operator and Planner (ISOP), published in May 2024.

In the statutory consultation we stated we would assess responses before making decisions on final modifications.

Having considered and taken account of stakeholder feedback received in response to that consultation, this response document sets out decisions taken by both organisations on the modifications to the following industry codes and their associated documents (collectively referred to as the “Codes”) on which the Relevant Authorities intends to exercise powers under section 169 of the Energy Act 2023 in order to modify directly these Codes:

  • Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)
  • Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC)
  • Distribution Code (D Code)
  • Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA)
  • Grid Code
  • System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC)
  • Security and Quality of Supply Standard (SQSS)
  • Uniform Network Code (UNC)

The effect of the modifications is to implement changes to the Codes to ensure they are coherent with the establishment of the ISOP and changes to the regulatory framework in accordance with its statutory functions, duties and licence conditions.

The modifications are not made as a result of this publication and this document does not constitute a decision to make the proposed modifications to the Codes. Final decisions on making the modifications to the Codes will only be taken by the Relevant Authorities in sequence with (and subject to) a wider set of decisions by the Secretary of State to establish and designate the ISOP and set the date for ‘Day 1’.