GC0147: Last Resort Disconnection of Embedded Generation - enduring solution

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Offshore Transmission Network
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network

This Grid Code modification seeks to clarify the nature of emergency instructions the ESO can issue to Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) to disconnect distributed generation plant, as a matter of last resort, at the time of a system emergency in order to protect system integrity and security of supply, and the actions the DNOs must take in those circumstances. It follows from Grid Code Modification GC0143, which we approved on 7 May 2020, which sought to clarify the same emergency instructions for a time-limited period in response to the unprecedented societal changes brought about by measures put in place to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

We have decided to approve the original proposal of GC0147.