This is our decision on industry proposals CMP269 (Potential consequential changes to the CUSC as a result of CMP264) and CMP270 (Potential consequential changes to the CUSC as a result of CMP265).
Following our March 2017 consultation on industry proposals CMP264 and CMP265 and our consideration of responses, we have decided to direct the implementationof CMP264/265 WACM4. CMP269 and CMP270 are the consequential modifications for CMP264 and CMP265. CMP264 and CMP265 were raised by industry partipants who identified two particular defects in the CUSC charging methodology.
CMP264 and CMP265 make changes to Section 14 of the CUSC (Charging Methodology). Section 14 of the CUSC, the Charging Methodologies, has its own applicable CUSC objectives specific to that section. As such, additional modifications had to be raised to make related changes outside of Section 14.
CMP269 and CMP270 propose a single change to Section 11 of the CUSC to introduce an amended definition for ‘Demand Forecast’ to take into account, and make it consistent with, the changes made in Section 14 under CMP264 and CMP265. The proposed change to Section 11 is the same under both CMP269 and CMP270. There were no WACMs raised under CMP269 or CMP270.
We have considered the issues raised by the modification proposal and the final Modification Report (FMR) dated 28 November 2016. We have considered and taken into account the responses to the industry consultations on the modification proposal which are attached to the FMR. We have concluded that implementation of CMP269 and CMP270 will better facilitate the achievement of the applicable CUSC objectives and is consistent with our principal objective and statutory duties.