Decision on definition of Energy System Data in data best practice guidance

Publication date
Industry sector
Carbon capture and storage
Distribution Network
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Distribution Licence
Electricity Transmission Licence
Gas Transporter Licence
Smart Meter Communication Licence

Today we publish our decision to change the definition of Energy System Data (ESD) in Data Best Practice (DBP) Guidance which will be reflected in a change to the DBP Supporting Information.

Our main tool to achieve an industry culture which understands the value of open data is the Data Best Practice Guidance, which is a system- and sector-agnostic set of principles. This decision aims to update a key definition to ensure DBP Guidance’s continued effectiveness.

The change to the definition of ESD was to ensure the definition captured the data of those licence regimes created, or to be created by, or by virtue of, the Energy Act 2023 – namely Code Managers, Carbon Capture, Usage, and Storage (CCUS), Heat Networks, Smart Secure Energy Systems (SSES) ‘load controller’ licensees.

We received nine responses from a broad range of stakeholders, and seven were broadly positive, with some minor caveats. As a result of this support, we have decided to make the change, with minor edits to the original definition. This change is setting the groundwork by expanding and clarifying how we define Energy System Data in light of the changes coming into force through the Energy Act 2023.

Further to this effectiveness, we are reviewing the accessibility standards of the DBP Guidance and Supporting Information, as well as the Digitalisation Strategy and Action Plan (DSAP) Guidance and Supporting information, and will be publishing updated versions with improved accessibility as part of the upcoming consultation on expanding DBP and DSAP obligations to Industry Codes, to be published winter 2024/2025.