Consultation on changing the definition of Energy Systems Data in Data Best Practice

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Today, we publish our consultation on a change in the definition of Energy Systems Data in Data Best Practice (DBP) Guidance, which will be reflected in a change to the Data Best Practice Supporting Information.

This consultation invites energy sector participants’ and stakeholders’ feedback on Ofgem’s change to the definition of Energy System Data within Data Best Practice (DBP) Guidance. This change will be reflected in the DBP Supporting Information. The change is intended to reflect the proposed expansion of DBP to cover more of the energy sector. Ofgem must make this change to ensure that code bodies, Carbon Capture Utility and Storage (CCUS) Licensees, Heat Network Licensees, Smart and Secure Energy System (SSES) ‘load controller’ Licensees, and Smart Meter Communication Licensees are required to follow DBP Guidance. The change does not create any new obligation on any party. Instead, it is setting the groundwork by expanding and clarifying how we define Energy System Data in light of the changes coming into force through the Energy Act 2023

Our main tool to achieve an industry culture which understands the value of open data is the Data Best Practice Guidance, which is a system- and sector-agnostic set of principles. This consultation aims to update a key definition to ensure DBP Guidance’s continued effectiveness.

Respond name

Charley Clark

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