Decision on administration of Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)

Publication date
Scheme name

In October 2021, the Government Response to Clean Heat Grant proposals within the ‘Future support for low carbon heat’ consultation named Ofgem as the intended administrator of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), formerly known as the Clean Heat Grant.

The BUS will launch on 23 May 2022 to aid the decarbonisation of buildings through providing upfront capital grants to support the installation of heat pumps and biomass boilers in homes and some non-domestic buildings.

On 16 December 2021, we published a consultation, inviting feedback on our proposed administrative approach for the BUS. We received 44 responses consultation from a variety of stakeholders, including installers, property owners, suppliers, consultancies, and industry and trade associations. 

Document overview

The document below is our consultation response which sets out our final administrative position for the BUS. In this response, we summarise stakeholder views, present the points raised and respond to that feedback outlining our proposed administrative approach for each aspect of the scheme and, where relevant, how we have changed our approach.

Next steps

The BUS will open to installers to create an account on 11 April 2022. We have published guidance on how to set up an account

The scheme will open for applications on 23 May 2022.

We will publish comprehensive procedural draft guidance for installers before the scheme opens to applications. We will invite stakeholders to provide feedback on this draft guidance. 

We will be holding an event on 11 April to talk through our consultation decision and the account creation process. In addition, we plan to hold further stakeholder engagement events in the lead up to scheme launch. Details, including dates and how to sign up to these events, will follow.