DCC Review Phase 2: Centralised Registration Service arrangements - decision

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Licence type
Smart Meter Communication Licence

The Data Communications Company (DCC) manages communications and data transfer service for smart metering. This decision sets out who will operate the Centralised Registration Service (CRS).


In May 2024, we published a consultation as part of phase 2 (detailed design) of our review of the regulatory arrangements for the DCC. We consulted on the governance arrangements and the CRS. The consultation presented our analysis and findings to date and invited stakeholder views to inform our way forward. 

Our decision

The decision document sets out our conclusions on the Centralised Registration Service (switching).

Next steps

We will publish our decision on the remaining elements of the consultation, including:

  • composition of the DCC Board 
  • board appointment and requirements
  • incentivisation of the DCC Board, executive leadership, and key staff
  • interim changes to governance

We expect to publish two further consultations during phase 2 of the DCC review: 

  • the determination of allowed revenue (cost control)
  • the future role of the DCC, objectives and operating model