DCC Review Phase 2: Governance and Centralised Registration Service arrangements

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Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Licence type
Smart Meter Communication Licence

The Data Communications Company (DCC) is responsible for establishing and operating a secure national communications network for smart metering in Great Britain. It currently operates under the Smart Meter Communication Licence, awarded by the government in 2013 for an initial period of 12 years. We are reviewing the regulatory arrangements to be put in place for DCC following the expiry of the current licence.

This consultation covers our analysis and proposals for the future governance arrangements for DCC and the provision of the Centralised Registration Service (Switching).

This consultation is part of the second (detailed design) phase of our review and is the first of three expected consultations during this phase. We expect to publish further consultations on Determination of Allowed Revenue (cost control) and Future role of DCC, objectives and operating model in summer 2024. 

Respond name

Jakub Komarek