Statutory consultation to modify the special licence conditions in the electricity transmission licences: Advanced Procurement Mechanism

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
Closing date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Transmission Licence

This consultation contains our proposed changes to the electricity transmission licences held by each of the Transmission Owners (“TOs” – National Grid Electricity Transmission, Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission and Scottish Power Transmission) to implement the Advanced Procurement Mechanism (the “APM”). We published our decision to implement the APM on 20 March 2025. 

We are seeking views on:  

  1. the proposed new special condition 3.42 to be inserted into the electricity transmission licence held by the TOs, as required under section 11A(2) of the Electricity Act 1989; and  
  2. the APM Governance Document for the proposed new special condition 3.42.  

Our proposed licence changes can be found in Schedule 1 of the Notice of statutory consultation on our proposal to modify the special conditions of the electricity transmission licence held by each of the TOs, published alongside this consultation.  

Our proposed APM Governance Document is published alongside this consultation.  

Respond name

Margaret Riach

Respond email