Modifications to the special licence conditions in the electricity transmission licences: Early Competition in Onshore Electricity Transmission

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)
Publication date
Closing date
Industry sector
Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Transmission Licence

We are seeking views on the modifications to the special licence conditions in the electricity transmission licences in relation to the Early Competition in Onshore Electricity Transmission.  

Who should respond

We would like views from the Transmission Owners (TOs) and stakeholders with an interest in the development of competition in onshore electricity transmission network. We would also welcome responses from other stakeholders and the public. 


In July 2024, we published 'Decision on Early Competition in onshore electricity transmission networks: policy update', which included the role of the incumbent TOs within Early Competition and conflict mitigation arrangements that would be required. 

This licence consultation seeks input from stakeholders on our proposed new special conditions and associated documents in the TOs’ electricity transmission licences to support the Onshore Transmission Tender Exercise.  

Why your views matter

Your feedback will help inform our decision on modifications to the special licence conditions in the electricity transmission licences in relation to Onshore Transmission Tender Exercise.  

How to respond

The consultation closes on 13 January 2025.  

Please send your responses to