Informal consultation on changes to Standard Special Condition A15 (Agency) of the Gas Transporters Licence

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  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

We are interested in your views on amendments to Standard Special Condition A15 (Agency) of the Gas Transporters Licence.

The proposed licence changes are required in order to implement the options developed by Ofgem in consultation with industry as a result of our review of Xoserve’s finance, governance and ownership (FGO) arrangements.

In December 2015 we consulted on your views on modifications to Standard Special Condition A15 (Agency) of the Gas Transporters Licence. After carefully considering the responses, we have further modified the drafting of the proposed SSC A15A to reflect the comments and responses received. We are seeking your views on these modifications.

This consultation has closed and was not progressed further.

Respond name

Rupika Madhura

Respond telephone