Energy code reform: consultation on code manager selection

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Industry sector
Distribution Network
Generation and Wholesale Market
Supply and Retail Market
Transmission Network
Offshore Transmission Network

We are seeking views on our approach to selecting code managers. We would also like feedback on our draft guidance and assessment forms.

Who should respond

We want to hear views from anyone who has an interest in the selection of code managers, as well as people who work in the energy sector and the public. This includes:

  • code administrators
  • code parties
  • central system delivery bodies
  • consumer groups


The Energy Act 2023 gives new powers and responsibilities to Ofgem. This enables us to implement significant reform to the governance of the energy industry codes.

Under the new framework, we will be responsible for selecting and licensing code managers in line with the Code Manager Selection Regulations 2024. Each code manager will be responsible for the governance of its respective code.

Our progress

We consulted on reforming the energy industry codes with the government in July 2019 and then again on the design and delivery of energy code reform in July 2021. These consultations helped to shape the new code governance framework in the Energy Act 2023.

We also published a call for input in December 2022 and a consultation on our approach to implementing the reforms in January 2024.

In March 2024, our latest joint consultation with the government asked for views on our approach to code manager licensing and secondary legislation. This consultation was followed by the creation of the Code Manager Selection Regulations 2024.

Consultation event

We are running an event on Wednesday 11 December 2024 from 2pm to 3:30pm where we will provide an overview of the proposed code manager selection process. 

Get more information and register to attend.

Our proposals

We propose to introduce a 3-stage assessment process for the selection of code managers. This would include:

  • an eligibility assessment
  • a licensing assessment
  • an implementation and assurance process

We are also consulting on our proposed approach to determining whether to select code managers on a competitive or non-competitive basis.

Alongside this consultation, we have started the selection processes for the first 2 code managers. Elexon and the Retail Energy Code Company have been invited to express interest in becoming code manager candidates for the Balancing and Settlement Code and Retail Energy Code, subject to the outcome of an eligibility assessment process.

Why your views matter

Your feedback will help us shape our selection process and make sure that the right bodies are chosen for the role.

How to respond

Please send us your feedback to our questions by 30 January 2025 using the consultation response template below.

You can also email us at if you want to send a PDF (pdf), Word (doc) or Excel (xls) document as part of your response.