ECO2 Technical Requirements Consultation
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On 30 October 2015 we launched a consultation seeking views on two specific aspects of scheme delivery within ECO2;
1. Lifetimes for wall insulation measures without an appropriate guarantee.
Measures installed under ECO have an expected ‘standard’ lifetime which is used to calculate the cost or carbon savings that will be achieved by the measure over the course of its lifetime. Wall insulation measures, such as cavity wall insulation, are expected to deliver savings for up to 42 years. In order to provide assurance that standard lifetime savings will be achieved for these measure types, they should be accompanied by an appropriate 25 year guarantee.
Our consultation set out our proposed approach for wall insulation measures that are installed without an appropriate guarantee. We proposed that the default lifetime for these measures should be 0 years, unless alternative assurance of the measure lifetime is available.
2. Technical monitoring re-inspections.
Technical monitoring inspections verify whether a measure has been installed to the relevant installation standards by a person of appropriate qualification and expertise, and whether it complies with the relevant eligibility criteria.
Suitably qualified independent monitoring agents visit households during and/or after the installation of ECO measures in order to ensure that works have been carried out to the expected standard. Where measures fail these inspections, the energy company is required to undertake remedial works which must be re-inspected on site and this can be done by the original technical monitoring agent.
Our consultation proposed that, where certain requirements are met, some technical monitoring re-inspections may be undertaken remotely following completion of remedial work.
In total we received 18 responses and we have published these below. We have also published our response to this consultation which sets out how we have taken into account the submissions that we received, and explains the changes we have made to our proposed policies.