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Suppliers are required to conduct technical and score monitoring inspections on ECO measures to ensure the required standards of installation are met and measures are scored accurately. More information on our monitoring requirements can be found in Chapter 9 of our ECO2 Guidance: Delivery. This page contains information about technical and score monitoring for ECO2. The following documents are available:
ECO2 technical monitoring and score monitoring questions: we have developed the questions with industry and obligated suppliers. The questions must be used for all ECO2 technical and score monitoring conducted on measures installed from 1 June 2015.
Pathways to compliance: this document describes the actions we will take, and when we will take them, when either the monitoring requirement is not met or failure rates are unsatisfactory.
ECO2 best practice monitoring questions: we have developed these non-obligatory questions with industry and obligated suppliers as an information gathering exercise to highlight installation practices, methods or techniques that consistently result in the installation of high quality measures. Suppliers are encouraged to use the questions alongside ECO2 technical monitoring conducted on measures installed from 1 June 2015.
Explanatory notes for monitoring: these notes offer additional guidance for answering the ECO2 technical, score, and best practice monitoring questions.
Monitoring Non-Access Guidance: this guidance note clarifies what we expect from suppliers when they cannot gain access to a premises in order to re-inspect a measure that failed technical monitoring. It also outlines the evidence that suppliers should make available on request where access cannot be gained to inspect work by an installer responsible for fewer than 100 measures in a quarter.
On 16 February 2016 the Core Monitoring Questions and the Explanatory Notes for Monitoring were both updated to Version 1.1. They now take into account the introduction of remote re-inspections for some of the monitoring questions following our consultation on this issue. A number of minor corrections were also made to both documents, including the removal of question RIRI.4.
Remote re-inspections may be used from 4 February 2016. The removal of question RIRI.4 will take immediate effect and will be applied retrospectively to measures installed from the beginning of ECO2. Any measures that failed only this question may be overturned by the supplier.