DCC Operational Performance Regime Review: May 2020 Consultation
- Upcoming
- Open
- Closed (awaiting decision)
- Closed (with decision)
The aim of the Operational Performance Regime (OPR) review is to optimise the financial incentives placed on DCC to drive better performance. As a monopoly company, it is important that DCC faces sufficient incentives to play its role well, delivering value for money and high quality services to support smart metering. This is key to ensure consumers are able to fully take advantage of the benefits of the smart meter rollout.
To achieve this, we are consulting on a revised OPR framework. This includes proposals for incentivising DCC’s system performance under four new outcome based measures, broken down by meter type and region where relevant. In addition, we propose incentivising DCC under two new areas that have caused concern among DCC’s stakeholders: DCC’s engagement with its customers, and contract management and procurement.
Alongside this consultation we have published a draft direction, demonstrating how we would implement the revised OPR through changes to Schedule 4 of the Smart Meter Communication Licence (‘licence’).
We would like your views on the proposals set out in the consultation and on the draft direction.
Please email us your responses to the questions above at smartermetering@ofgem.gov.uk by 12 June 2020.