Unredacted decision of the derogation from various elements of 22C and 31C granted to Npower Group PLC on 15 May 2017

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

This is the unredacted version of our 15 May 2017 publication that set out the Authority’s decision to grant the following companies under Npower Group PLC: Npower Limited, Npower Northern Limited, Npower Northern Supply Limited, Npower Yorkshire Limited, Npower Yorkshire Supply Limited, and Npower Gas Limited, a temporary and limited derogation from various elements of standard licence condition (SLC) 22C and SLC 31C of their electricity and gas supply licences.

This derogation enabled these companies to conduct a time-limited trial of a new version of their Statement of Renewal Terms on a limited number of domestic gas and electricity customers, subject to the terms of the corresponding Directions. We redacted commercially-sensitive aspects of the decision and indicated that we will publish the full decision after the trial has been completed.