Summary of Responses to proposal to introduce the Future Regulation Sandbox

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In October 2023, we consulted on our proposal to introduce the Future Regulation Sandbox (FRS), an innovative policy instrument to test and trial changes to the energy rulebook before making them. The FRS would sit alongside our existing Energy Regulation Sandbox (ERS), Fast Frank Feedback (FFF), and Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) to strengthen our suite of innovation support tools. The FRS represents a more strategic, policy-driven approach to sandboxing, which aligns with a wider move by regulators globally to become more agile and anticipatory in our decision-making.

We published the Call for Input (CfI) as the start of our conversation with stakeholders, painting our vision for the FRS and asking for views on whether there is value in our proposal for a FRS, what topics it could be used for, and how the FRS could best be implemented to maximise its benefits to the market.

This document summarises stakeholder views on our proposal. It incorporates responses to the CfI as well as those gathered through other stakeholder engagement channels. This is not a decision document, but rather an update which sets out our next steps based on the feedback we have received.