Statutory consultation on a proposal to modify the gas transporter licence following decisions on proposals relating to the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (“TAR NC”) in GB

  • Upcoming
  • Open
  • Closed (awaiting decision)
  • Closed (with decision)

We consulted in October 2017 on proposals relating to the implementation of TAR NC in GB. We proposed to make National Grid Gas plc (NGG) responsible for certain tasks arising under TAR NC, and to direct a timetable for undertaking them. We also proposed to modify the gas transporters licence (“the Licence”) and to issue a direction to NGG. We received seven responses to our consultation and have published these on our website.

Following consideration of consultation responses, we have made the following decisions.

  • To make NGG responsible for undertaking certain tasks arising under TAR NC and to direct a timetable for their completion.
  • To align and extend the scope of the consultations required under TAR NC and industry procedures.
  • To proceed our proposed License modifications through to statutory consultation.

We think these decisions will minimise duplication of work and ensure legally binding deadlines of the European Commission can be met. They will also ensure that industry proposals for amendments to the GB gas transmission charging regime are subject to broad industry scrutiny and are TAR NC compliant.

We intend to make a decision on our proposed direction to NGG once our statutory consultation on proposed Licence modifications has closed and a final decision has been made. We anticipate these decisions will be published in January 2018.

Respond name

Sean Hayward

Respond telephone