RIIO-GD1 Annual Report 2014-15

Reports, plans and updates
Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

Previous Annual Report

This report gives stakeholders information on the performance of GDNs against their price control obligations and incentives for the second year of the price control. It also provides information on GDNs’ updated forecast for the remaining six years. It is structured to reflect the new RIIO framework, and discusses:

  • Revenue: the revenue we have allowed companies to charge their customers and the impact this has on the average gas bill.
  • Incentives: how incentives have driven cost efficiency, and what this means in terms of companies’ overall financial performance.
  • Innovation:  innovative practice that lets GDNs deliver more efficiently and effectively, both now and in the future.
  • Outputs: performance achieved against the six output areas, which are:
    • network safety
    • network reliability
    • customer service
    • new connections
    • social obligations
    • protecting the environment