RIIO-ED1 (Slow-track) PCFM following CMA Final Determinations

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Industry sector
Distribution Network

This is the ED1 Price Control Financial Model (PCFM) for the 10 slow-tracked licensees that incorporates the results of the two appeals of the RIIO-ED1 price control to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). This new PCFM includes the impacts of both the appeal brought by British Gas (BG) and the appeal brought by Northern Powergrid (NPg).

As part of its orders following its Final Determination, the CMA directed a new PCFM and published it as an annex to its orders. The new PCFM has been republished here for reference.

This PCFM replaces the slow-track PCFM published by Ofgem on 3 February 2015. The Annual Iteration Process for the slow-track licensees, due to be carried out by the 30 November, will take place using this new PCFM.