Renewables Obligation Quarter 4 Mutualisation payment distribution 2021-22

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We have recently redistributed the Renewables Obligation (RO) Quarter 4 Mutualisation payments in respect of the 2021-22 compliance period. The amount redistributed includes payments received into the England & Wales and Scotland Mutualisation accounts.

Please note the distribution calculation is based on the number of ROCs presented by active suppliers. Any ROCs presented by a supplier which has since exited the market are excluded from this calculation. The number of ROCs presented in the 2021-2022 Renewable Obligation (RO) compliance period by suppliers which are still active was 109,311,985 ROCs.

Obligation Renewables Obligation Quarter 4 Mutualisation Payment Distribution 2021-22
England & Wales (RO) £27,586,276.00
Scotland (ROS) £1,953,411.00
Total £29,539,687.00