Price cap: Consultation on reflecting potential changes to BSUoS charges in the price cap
- Upcoming
- Open
- Closed (awaiting decision)
- Closed (with decision)
The Gas and Electricity Market Authority (the Authority) is considering changing the way Balancing Services Use of System (‘BSUoS’) charges are recovered from electricity network users. The proposed modification intends to replace the ex-post variable charge, which varies in each half-hour period, with a flat volumetric charge, set in advance. The proposed change is driven by Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) modification CMP361, on which the Authority has published a minded-to decision and consultation to approve.
This document is considering whether and how to modify the price cap, if Ofgem makes the separate decision to approve CMP361, or equivalent modification. This includes considering whether any transitional adjustment is required and, if so how to implement it. We would like views from all stakeholders with an interest in the domestic retail energy supply market. We particularly welcome responses from energy suppliers, consumer groups and charities. We would also welcome responses from other stakeholders and the public.