Open letter – Clarification on issues around access to data for settlement purposes

Correspondence and other
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

Market-wide settlement reform can expose energy suppliers to the true cost of supplying their customers in any half-hour period, and put incentives on them to help their customers shift their consumption to times when electricity is cheaper to generate or transport.

In order to settle customers half-hourly, suppliers need access to their customers’ half-hourly consumption data from their smart or advanced meter. In July 2018 we published a consultation to help inform the data access and sharing framework under MHHS. Following analysis of the responses and associated engagement with stakeholders, we published our decision document in June 2019 (same link). The decision document set out seven key decisions on the access to data rules under MHHS.

The purpose of this open letter is to ensure that stakeholders and other interested parties are clear on what the access to data decision document means, including in terms of obligations on suppliers and consumer choices around access to their HH data, now and in the future. The letter is also intended to clarify some other points related to MHHS data issues.

Our decision on MHHS will be subject to the outcome of an Impact Assessment (IA) and will be set out within the Full Business Case (FBC). At the same time as this letter we have published our draft IA and associated consultation document, in order to gather information and evidence to inform the FBC.