Ofgem's regulatory stances

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Distribution Network
Offshore Transmission Network
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market

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Ofgem’s ‘regulatory stances’ support the approach set out in our corporate strategy. They are a set of key principles we consider when developing policy.

There are five regulatory stances:

  1. Promoting effective competition to deliver for consumers
  2. Driving value in monopoly activities through competition and incentive regulation
  3. Supporting innovation in technologies, systems and business models
  4. Managing risk for efficient and sustainable energy
  5. Protecting the interests of consumers in vulnerable situations

The stances do not override our statutory powers and duties. They are primarily an internal tool for Ofgem policy-makers and we need them because they will help us to deliver our strategic outcomes for consumers. 

We are publishing our regulatory stances to inform our external stakeholders of the principles that underpin our work.