Offshore Transmission - Notice of Determination to Grant Licence (London Array) under regulation 23(2)

Licence granted
Publication date
Industry sector
Offshore Transmission Network
Licence type
Electricity Offshore Transmission Licence


This notice is issued by the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (the Authority) pursuant to regulation 23(2) of the Electricity (Competitive Tenders for Offshore Transmission Licences) Regulations 2010 (the Tender Regulations).

In accordance with regulation 23(2) of the Tender Regulations, the Authority hereby gives notice that it has determined to grant an offshore transmission licence to Blue Transmission London Array Limited of The American Barns Banbury Road, Lighthorne, Warwick, Warwickshire, England, CV35 0AE, which is the proposed licensee entity incorporated by the consortium of Barclays Infrastructure Funds Management Limited and Mitsubishi Corporation, care of 28 Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9HD, the successful bidder in respect of the London Array (Phase 1) project.
In accordance with regulation 24(4) of the Tender Regulations, the Authority shall not grant an offshore transmission licence to the successful bidder before the end of the period set out in regulation 24(5) of the Tender Regulations. Confirmation of the Authority’s determination to grant an offshore transmission licence will be provided in accordance with regulation 24(6), at the end of this period.

Min Zhu
Associate Director, Offshore Transmission
Duly authorised on behalf of the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority
22 August 2013