Notice of decision to impose a financial penalty on E.ON following an investigation into its compliance with Standard Licence Condition 12 of the Electricity Supply Licence

Penalty notice
Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market

The Authority has confirmed its decision to impose a financial penalty on E.ON UK Plc and E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd (together referred to as "E.ON") following an investigation by Ofgem into its failure to comply with Standard Licence Condition 12 of the Electricity Supply Licence (SLC 12), in relation to advanced meters for non-domestic premises.

The Authority found that E.ON breached the SLCs listed above; E.ON admitted the breaches.

The Authority confirmed its decision to impose a financial penalty of £2. This in addition to £7 million (less £2) that E.ON agreed to pay in consumer redress to the Carbon Trust. These monies are to be used to help SMEs across Great Britain save energy via energy saving audits and advice, and installation of energy efficiency measures.

Furthermore, E.ON agreed to pay an additional £7 million if it did not achieve an installation target for its outstanding meter points by 2 November 2016.

Update 21 September 2016

E.ON achieved its installation target on 30 August 2016.