Losses Discretionary Reward (LDR) Guidance Document – changes in response to our March 2015 consultation

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

In our RIIO-ED1 Strategy Decision we outlined our intention to implement a mechanism to called the Losses Discretionary Reward (LDR). The aim of the LDR is to encourage DNOs to undertake additional actions to better understand and manage electricity losses on their networks.

On 26 March 2015, we issued a consultation seeking views on our draft LDR Guidance Document which provides DNOs with an overview of both the submission and assessment process for the LDR.

This letter provides a summary of responses we received from stakeholders, our responses to them and any changes we have made to the guidance document as a result.

Alongside this letter, for the purposes of licence condition CRC 2G (Losses Discretionary Reward), we have also published a Notice to all licensees to consult on the proposed text of the LDR Guidance Document and the proposed date by which it should take effect.