Involuntary prepayment meter decision

Publication date
Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Licence type
Electricity Supply Licence
Gas Supplier Licence

Today we are publishing our decision on new rules for suppliers in relation to Involuntary prepayment meters (PPM).

This decision follows extensive stakeholder engagement and feedback (a Call for Evidence in February 2023, Involuntary PPM Code of Practice in April 2023 and statutory consultation in June 2023), in which we have carefully weighed up the evidence provided on protecting certain groups of consumers from Involuntary PPM and the need to balance rising levels of debt in the industry.

We can confirm that our decision today goes further than our proposals consulted on in June, with over 75s and households with children under 2 moving into the highest level of protection categories.

This has been a challenging trade-off to balance. One that we will keep under review and make swift amendments to, should we see evidence that the intended outcomes are not being realised.

The changes will take effect from 8 November 2023.

Alongside the decision document and modification notices, we have also published any non-confidential responses to our consultation.