A guide to electricity distribution connections policy

Publication date
Industry sector
Distribution Network

Making sure there’s a well-functioning market for connections to the electricity distribution network is essential. Timely and cost-effective connections to the distribution system enable economic growth and help to decarbonise the energy we use. Our guidance document briefly explains the connections process and the regulations that are in place to protect consumers.

There is a cost to providing a connection. These costs are recovered either directly from the customer connecting, or on an ongoing basis from all users of the network through their electricity bills. The cost of a connection can vary between projects. It depends on the size of the connection, where the connection is, the distance from the existing network and whether the network can accommodate the capacity needed.

Our guidance document  explores the balance that has to be struck between providing affordable connections and keeping electricity bills down.  We outline more innovative approaches being used to enable connections in constrained parts of the network which may be cheaper than adding to the existing network.