Guidance for generators: Co-location of electricity storage and hydrogen production under the RO, FIT, REGO and SEG (Version 6.1)

Publication date
Industry sector
Generation and Wholesale Market
Scheme name

This guidance is for participants of the Renewables Obligation (RO), Feed-in Tariffs (FIT), Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO), and Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) schemes who are considering co-locating electricity storage facilities with their accredited RO or REGO generating station, FIT installation, or SEG installation. We have developed this guidance to provide clarity to participants about the treatment of storage facilities within the framework of the schemes in anticipation of increased uptake of co-located storage.

This document has been updated to include an appendix on hydrogen storage co-location and hydrogen production, and how it interacts with the RO and FIT schemes.

This document has been updated to include an appendix on the co-location of battery storage with installations receiving a Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariff.

This document has been updated to include a section on co-location with an asset accredited under the Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) scheme.

This document has been updated to correct a minor error on page 50, in declaration 2b.