Green Gas Levy Privacy Notice

Publication date
Scheme name

This privacy notice explains how we will process personal information of the person who represents (“registered user”) obligated suppliers for the purposes of the Green Gas Levy (“GGL”) administered by Ofgem. This privacy notice also set out the registered users’ rights as a data subject.

It applies to information we process concerning:

  • GGL, scheme suppliers, former scheme suppliers, new scheme suppliers (and employees of these suppliers), registered users and other obligated persons;
  • individuals who contact Ofgem with a query, for example, a right of access request, regarding the GGL;
  • people who sign up to receive newsletters and regular correspondence.


The Controller for the processing of any personal information as outlined in this privacy notice is the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, (GEMA). For ease of reference this privacy notice refers to the administrative office of GEMA, “Ofgem” throughout.

What personal information do we collect?

We will collect information directly from the registered user:

  • when registering as a user on the GGL Portal;
  • if nominated as an authorised signatory for an organisation obligated by the GGL;
  • when supplying financial information (bank statements);
  • when supplying letters of credit relating to the GGL;
  • when contacting us with an enquiry relating to the GGL and regulations;
  • where it is necessary to verify the identity of the registered user (ID verification).

This information includes: 

  • the registered user’s name;
  • the registered user’s work address;
  • the registered user’s work email address and telephone number;
  • documentary evidence in support of registration to the portal or in relation to information provided as requested by Ofgem for the purposes of administering the GGL;

We will also collect information directly from registers users who sign up to our newsletter(s), respond to our customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys or are part of any Ofgem working group related to the GGL. We will collect and store your name and email address in order to send these to you, as well as your responses to questions posed relating to our performance in administering the scheme(s).

Registered users can request for their information to be removed from the newsletter distribution list at any time by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of the newsletter.

We receive information directly and indirectly when:

  • the obligated supplier has successfully applied for registration on the GGL;
  • the obligated supplier has applied for receipt of the CSAT surveys;
  • in addition, during audits or for an assurance report we may receive information indirectly via a third party who we have contracted to undertake auditing or assurance work on our behalf. This information may include further documentary evidence.

Why we need to collect and process the registered user information

We only collect information that we need in order to carry out our functions in relation to the GGL. Our primary functions to administer the GGL which includes, but are not limited to, the functions below:

  • verification of meter point data for each supply licence held by scheme suppliers;
  • calculation and collection of credit cover and associated administration of credit cover including draw down of credit cover if required;
  • repayment of excess cash credit cover and/or interest on cash credit cover held;
  • calculation and collection of levy payments;
  • assessment and granting of provisional exemption and exemption from the levy;
  • calculation and collection of mutualisation payments;
  • reporting if required of non-compliance in the default register and Ofgem Supplier Performance Report;
  • assist us in the identification of fraud.
  • registered users’ personal information will be used to review and improve our scheme administration

Registered users’ personal information will not be used for profiling, i.e. any computerised processing which may use personal information to evaluate certain things about an individual e.g. any decision relating to your registration on the GGL portal.

In some cases, we use data analytics software to: 

  • identify suspected fraud;
  • improve the services we provide;
  • monitor compliance with GGSS regulations.

In order to inform future policy development of our Environmental and Social Schemes registered users’ data may be shared internally within Ofgem for scheme related research and / or development as well as continuous improvement of its administration.

How we collect information of registered users

We collect registered users information by:

  • visiting our website to allow you to make repeat visits. You can find out how we do this through the use of cookies by viewing our information page on the Ofgem website;
  • engaging with us when we carry out our statutory and administrative functions; 
  • making enquiries about provide details of authorised signatory and key contacts, or register on the GGL portal;
  • submitting information and data to us via the GGL Portal;
  • using our services, for example subscribe to our RSS feeds, e-newsletters, social media sites, email alerts or request a publication from us;
  • emailing, or telephoning us, or sending information to us in paper format;
  • contacting us in relation to information requests, complaints and general enquiries.

How and when we will process and disclose registered user information

  • where the disclosure is required by law, statutory direction, court orders, or is necessary for the purposes of the administration or development of the GGL
  • where you give us explicit permission to disclose it;
  • for the processing and sharing of relevant information during audits

We will only share registered user information with the following organisations or official bodies:

  • third-party auditors or other third party for the purposes of either auditing the information provided to us by you or providing an assurance report (we will require such third parties to agree to treat the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy);
  • Third party suppliers, appointed by us in connection with our scheme administration. This may include research companies or agencies appointed to conduct surveys on our behalf.
  • Action Fraud or the Police in England or Wales or the Police in Scotland when we have found instances of suspected fraud;
  • The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), formerly the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), who may issue a notice that legally compels Ofgem to disclose specified information collected for the purposes of administering the GGL and for evaluation surveys (DESNZ may share your information with their contractors and sub-contractors for this purpose);
  • A DESNZ approved biomethane certification schemes for the purposes of the Green Gas Levy exemption mechanism;
  • The Scottish Government and their approved contractors for the Scottish Government to report on and monitor devolved heat policy in Scotland;
  • The Welsh Government;
  • Local Authorities in Great Britain (upon request);
  • The Environment Agency;
  • Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs;
  • Department for Transport;
  • Trading Standards and the Serious Fraud Office (SFO);
  • Xoserve and its subsidiary Correla.

We may share some registered user personal information with Gas Distribution Network companies to verify information you have provided for the purposes including, but not limited to, investigating suspected fraud.

Legal basis for processing your information

We would not be able to fulfil our obligations as the administrator of the GGL without collecting and using your information.

We collect and process your information under the ‘Public Task’ legal basis for processing as part of our remit as the GGL administrator (UK GDPR, Article 6(1)(e)).

We may process your information for the purpose of conducting surveys/user research. Where we do so, this is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us within the meaning of article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Where you agree to participate in a survey/user research we will also process your information based on your consent.


Newsletters are sent to you based on your consent. Where registered users subscribe to GGL newsletters, your consent is used as a basis to process your personal data. You can request to be taken off the distribution list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter.

How long do we keep your information

Your personal information is deleted when we no longer need it for our functions in administering the GGL. As such, it is retained by Ofgem for the duration of your obligation on the GGL (up to 19 years), and for a period of 7 years thereafter.

Your rights

We hold information about registered users who have the right to:

  • be informed about the data we hold about you;
  • access the information we hold about you;
  • have your personal information corrected if it is incomplete or inaccurate;
  • ask us to restrict how we process your information;
  • object to certain ways we use your information;
  • in some circumstances, you may have a right to object to Ofgem processing your information;

To see the full suite of new consumer rights available to you under UK GDPR, please refer to the Ofgem Privacy Policy or the ICO website.

Further information

To find out more information on how Ofgem processes personal data, please refer to the Ofgem Privacy Policy.

How to contact us

If you would like to:

The Data Protection Officer


10 South Colonnade

Canary Wharf


E14 4PU

Complaints to the Information Commissioner

Registered users have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner. If you want to raise a concern about how we have handled your information, you can report it direct to the Information Commissioner’s Office at the following address:

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Online: Live chat

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep our privacy policy under regular review. This privacy notice was last updated on 5 December 2023.