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Future Charging and Access programme: consultation on supplementary analysis to November 2018 minded-to decision on the Targeted Charging Review

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Industry sector
Supply and Retail Market
Distribution Network
Transmission Network
Generation and Wholesale Market

This letter provides stakeholders with an update on several discrete matters relating to the November 2018 minded-to decision on the Targeted Charging Review, including supplementary analysis relating to that consultation.  It provides further information on four aspects of the project and the opportunity to comment on these ahead of our final decision. They are:

  1. Capacity Market Sensitivity analysis;
  2. The Balancing Services Charges Task Force findings;
  3. Updated system costs due to corrected carbon appraisal accounting; and
  4. Clarification on the use of Line Loss Factor Classes (LLFCs) in our minded to proposal.

Respond name

Andrew Self

Respond email